Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Cylindrical capacitive devices for liquid and gas non-aggressive media are intended for use in technological installations, chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, oil and gas industries.
Capacitive devices with a volume from 0.100 to 200.0 m3 are designed for receiving, storing, heating and dispensing liquid and gaseous media. The delivery of liquid media can be carried out by gravity and transfusion of the medium with compressed air, technological or inert gas. Structural design: horizontal, vertical, with and without internal heating devices, with a jacket and tube bundles for heating the product, steel devices, welded with elliptical bottoms. The devices are divided into the following types: SEE, VEE, SCC, RUNWAY, VCE, VKP, VEP and VPS.
Oil and gas separators (NGS) are designed for oil degassing and associated gas purification in oil field production collection and preparation facilities. They are used at the entrance, intermediate and terminal stages of field oil treatment plants.
Mesh and string gas separators are designed to purify natural and associated petroleum gas from liquids (condensate, hydrate formation inhibitor, water) in field gas treatment plants for transport, underground storage facilities, as well as gas and oil refineries. Productivity, depending on the conditions of applications, ranges from 0.05 to 5.6 million m3/day.



All RIG SERVIS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant RIG SERVIS: shell-and-tube heat exchangers, capacitive apparatuses, oil and gas separators, gas separators, equipment for nuclear power plants, metal structures, searchlight masts, lightning rods, supports, frames, columns, pipeline elements, stairs, fences, beams
  • Heat exchange equipment RIG SERVIS
    Heat exchange equipment
    TP, HP, KP, TU, KVN, IC, THEM, etc.
  • Capacitive equipment RIG SERVIS
    Capacitive equipment
  • Equipment for nuclear power plants and SNF RIG SERVIS
    Equipment for nuclear power plants and SNF
    2nd grade in AbrA et al.
  • Non-standard equipment RIG SERVIS
    Non-standard equipment
    Metal structures, etc.


RIG SERVICE Company (Ozersk) is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of equipment for gas processing, petroleum, chemical, petrochemical and other industries.
  • quality

    The company pays special attention to strict compliance with modern requirements for the quality and safety of products, improving their characteristics and reducing the production time.
  • production

    The production facilities of the RIG SERVICE company are equipped with modern types of equipment for the production of technological products with a total weight of up to 100 tons.
  • experience

    RIG SERVICE company has extensive experience in the design and manufacture of heat exchange, capacitive, separation and non-standardized equipment of high reliability.

Information Board RIG SERVIS

Learn more about our products RIG SERVIS.
  • RIG SERVICE Brochure марки РИГ СЕРВИС
    RIG SERVICE Brochure
  • Questionnaire for RIG SERVICE equipment изготовителя РИГ СЕРВИС
    Questionnaire for RIG SERVICE equipment


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